Namaste India!

Current Position:

Delhi and Mumbai



Countries visited:


Climate solutions visited:



On friendship tour around India

Welcome to the SolarButterfly

The SolarButterfly is the world’s largest solar powered vehicle and currently on a 4-year-journey around the world.   Wth its shape of a butterfly, it shows that transformation from fossil fuels to clean renewable energies and other technologies is possible – like the earth-bound caterpillar transforms into a free-flying and independent butterfly!

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Travelling around the world

Therefore we started in May 2022 at United Nations in Geneva and we will be travelling through 6 continents and 90 contries until December 2025. Our goal is to reach the United Nations Climate Change Conference in South America in 2025, for 10th anniversary of the UN Paris Climate Change Agreement. You think it’s not possible? We believe it is!

World Tour 2022 - 2025

Raising awareness for Global Warming

While the whole world is talking about Global Warming, we believe we should talk about the solutions to stop it. The solutions for a great and prosperous future for us and our children already exsist, but they need more attention and support. Read more about our mission.

Our mission

Looking for 1000 solutions to Stop Global Warming

The world is full of genious, creative minds who are working on solutions to Stop Global Warming. On our world tour we will visit and present 1000 first hand ingenious ideas, projects and companies that work on solutions to climate change. Follow us and learn more about these awesome solutions!

See all our climate solutions

Inspiring 1000 schools

We visit schools along our way. Education about climate change and what everyone of us can do against it, is very important to us. Do you want to receive the SolarButterfly at your school? Let us know!

Für Schweizer Schulen:
Im Jahr 2024 hat der SolarButterfly erneut 15’000 Schüler/innen in 19 Kantonen zum Thema “Klimaschutz” begeistert. Das nächste Mal wird er im Mai – Juli 2025 wieder Schulen in der Schweiz besuchen.

Hier geht's weiter...

Leaving footprints

See some of our nicest memories

Get involved!

Join our crew!

We are looking for drivers & media crew. Do you want to join us? Apply now!

Be part of the Crew!

Support us!

Buy a solar cell and support the SolarButterfly World Tour! Make a little donation!

Donate a solar cell!

Tell us!

Do you know an interesting project along our way to save the climate? Let us know!

Tell us about a project!

Invite us!

Would you like to invite the SolarButterfly and be our host? Let us know!

Invite us and be our host!

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