What can we do with the access to electricity that a PV can generate?
We need to store them!
The SolarButterfly interviewed Jiří Vrána, Researcher at NTC (New Technologies Research at University of West Bohemia) and Co-Founder of Pinflow Energy Storage and he told us about his solution to store electricity.
NTC focuses on research and solutions for green technologies and advanced materials in the fields of ecological energy sources, smart transportation means and the quality of human life and health since 2000.
Learn more about NTC: https://www.ntc.zcu.cz/en/
Pinflow Energy Storage is developing new highly efficient batteries based on redox flow technology. Stacks with low internal resistance are built on know how from New Technologies Research Centre at University of West Bohemia and are hearts of their batteries. With their laboratory products they also make research of redox flow batteries easier.
Learn more about Pinflow Energy Storage: http://www.pinflowes.com/index.html
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