#94 Racing With Solar Boats
We interviewed Orsi Kristof, organizer of the Balaton Solar Boat challenge and David Csonka-Takas, Head of solar boat team at University of Pannonia in Veszprém, Hungary. We discussed about racing with solar boats. Listen to their interviews in Hungarian for more information about solar boats and their racing team!
Found out more about University of Pannonia: https://eng.uni-pannon.hu/
#93 Solar Power For a Factory
Maxon is the worldwide leading provider of high-precision drive systems, with impressive technology. Louis interviewed Attila Szalai, General Manager at Maxon.
Their drive systems are used wherever the requirements are high and engineers cannot afford compromises: maxon motors drive NASA’s Mars rovers. They are installed in insulin pumps and surgical power tools. You can find them in humanoid robots and in high-precision industrial applications, in tattoo machines, passenger aircraft, camera lenses, race cars, and cardiac pumps.
In the Climate Pioneer World Tour we are going around the world in 4 years, finding and interviewing interesting pioneers and their projects and solutions that actually help the environment, and contribute to stop climate change.
www.solarbutterfly.org or @meetlarso on social media
Learn more about maxon: https://www.maxongroup.com/
#92 Swapping Used Clothes
Did you know that the fashion industry is the second polluting industry in the world?
What can we do with that? For example, Hungarian company Swappis encourages people to reuse and extend the life of your clothes. You can return items you no longer need to Swappis, for which you will receive points in exchange for the quality and condition of the clothes.
Swappis is a green startup company from Budapest whose goal is to collect and reuse worn-out clothes that are still in good condition.
The SolarButterlfy interviewed Tünde Julia Fritzson-Bajdor, Founder of Swappis.
‘We would like to create a conscious and responsible clothing trend, which does not find joy in buying new clothes, but in bringing the passive life clothes lurking in our closets to their new wearers and adding color to their wardrobes.’ – Swappis
Learn more about the company: http://www.swappis.hu/
#91 Energy Efficient Composting Machine
Today we are talking about fertilizing. As we all know the production fertilizer uses a lot of energy and Compocity came up with an invention: a composting robot.
We discussed with Emese Pancsa, Founder and CEO of Compocity. Her goal is to encourage companies and communities to replace unsustainable practices and join the circular society. Their composting robot enables you to do just that.
‘It’s not just about food waste – it’s about what it and you can do for our community’ – Compocity
Learn more about this convenient solution to reduce your ecological footprint in an effortless way: http://compocity.help/
#90 Knowledge Center For The Development of The Hungarian Green Economy
We are very honoured to discuss with Peter Kaderjak Director of ZeroCarbon Hub University of Technologies and Developments and he used to be Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Policy, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Hungary. Peter Kaderjak is the most suitable expert in Carbon questions in Hungary.
ZeroCarbon Hub operates as an organisational unit of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Centre for University-Industry Cooperation. ZKK aims to help achieve the 2050 climate neutrality goal set in Hungarian law, as a knowledge centre that stimulates various interdisciplinary collaborations.
The Centre was born out of the recognition that business and technological innovations will play a key role in the “green transition”, which will not only offer opportunities for the research and innovation sector but can also become important tools for economic development by strengthening the domestic background industry.
Learn more about this centree stablished with the support of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology of Hungary: https://zerocarbonhub.hu/en/
#89 Integrating Renewable Energy Into The Electricity System Based On Power Plant Capacities
Dunamenti Erőmű (Dunamenti Erőmű Power Plant) produces electricity, however, they also hold a licence to trade electricity and gas. This is the largest gas-fired power plant in the Hungarian electricity system with a total output of 794 MW. With units which can be started upon demand, it is an active player on the electricity-producing and energy trading market, well-recognised for its technological reliability.
The #SolarButterlfy interviewed Pal Gerse, Director of Portfolio Management, Dunamenti Erőmű Power Plant.
Learn more about this company: https://www.dert.hu/en/
#88 Producing NONOILEN For Ecological Utilisation of Plastics
“Nanolein represents the only realistic solution of full ecological utilisation of plastics in the whole life cycle: from plastic production to waste management!” says Panara Company.
Core business of this company is currently R&D activities with the scope of multicomponent biobased and biodegradable blends based on PHA and PLA polymers production and it´s commercialization. New developed material is registered under trademark NONOILEN.
The SolarButterfly interviewed Prof. Pavol Alexy, Phd., Professor in Slovak University of Technology Bratislava and Head of R&D department of Panara Company.
Find out more about Panara Company and its NONOILEN: https://panaraplast.com/en/
Listen to his interview and follow us on social media at @meetlarso to discover what innovative solutions people came up with.
#87 Motorcycle with the Comfort Of a Car
MonoRacers are unique Driving Machines. Savour the taste of freedom of claasic motorcycles combined with the safety of cars. Prime technology and materials make MonoRacer a fitting part for your exclusive lifestyle!
The SolarButterfly interviewed Gustav Procházka, one of the cofounders of PERAVES CZ which produces Monoracers. He is also in charge of guiding customers throught the demo drives and driving lessons.
PERAVES CZ was founded in 2009 by Gustav Procházka, COB of Company BOHEMIA MOBIL, and Arnold Wagner, COB of PERAVES Switzerland. The main idea was to continue and extend cooperation in development and construction of Fully Enclosed Cabin Motorcycles, which started to be produced by Swiss company Peraves, in 1987.
By 2009 about 9 Ecomobile version vehicles were produced in various types, including two racing prototypes for just one passenger. Since 2005 BOHEMIA MOBIL and PERAVES developed and made the first five MonoRacers. Many new Czech manufacturers started to participate on making newly designed MonoRacer components.
Learn more: https://www.peravescz.com/
#86 University of West Bohemia Saves Energy In Smart Materials And Smart Technologies
We were hounoured to discuss with Miroslav Holeček, Rector of University of West Bohemia.
We talked about the University of West Bohemia from Pilsen, Czech Republic and its four innovation centers. Rector Miroslav Holeček told us about their smart materials and technologies which they are using to save energy.
“We have different researches about solar photovoltaics, battery systems, smart windows which improve temperature comfort in the room” said Miroslav Holeček.
Learn more about University of West Bohemia: https://www.zcu.cz/cs/index.html
Listen to his interview and follow us on social media at @meetlarso to discover what innovative solutions people came up with.
#85 Batteries Based On Redox Flow Technology
What can we do with the access to electricity that a PV can generate?
We need to store them!
The SolarButterfly interviewed Jiří Vrána, Researcher at NTC (New Technologies Research at University of West Bohemia) and Co-Founder of Pinflow Energy Storage and he told us about his solution to store electricity.
NTC focuses on research and solutions for green technologies and advanced materials in the fields of ecological energy sources, smart transportation means and the quality of human life and health since 2000.
Learn more about NTC: https://www.ntc.zcu.cz/en/
Pinflow Energy Storage is developing new highly efficient batteries based on redox flow technology. Stacks with low internal resistance are built on know how from New Technologies Research Centre at University of West Bohemia and are hearts of their batteries. With their laboratory products they also make research of redox flow batteries easier.
Learn more about Pinflow Energy Storage: http://www.pinflowes.com/index.html
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