#110 Making Agricuture more climate friendly with artificial intelligence

Agriculture contributes to 8 % of global greenhouse gas emissions, and solutions are rare. Meet Aurelien Demaurex, co-founder of Ecorobotix in Yverdon, Switzerland, and he can tell us how his machines can reduce chemicals in the field by up to 90%. With his innovation, lots of CO2 emissions can be avoided, and at the same time, the yield of the field can be improved!


#12 Second life for used batteries

Kyburz is producing thousands of electric motorbikes each year for postal services all over the world. Once their bikes get out of service, Kyburz is buying back all their motorbikes from their customers to reuse or recycle the old batteries. Listen to olivier Groux, head of the battery department, how to give batteries a second life.

Registration for Crew Members has started!

Are you looking for an experience of a lifetime? Do you want to be an Ambassador for solutions to stop Global Warming?

We are looking for around 20 people with different skills. who want to travel with the SolarButterfly around Europe or even across other continents. Apply now!

For more information click here

The SolarButterfly's News Communication Strategy

Different team members of different departments like video production, interior studio design, public relations and social media have come together to define and coordinate our new commmunications strategy. We have been able to come up with a media plan as well as a definition of the colours, that we will use for our brand, for things like clothing, website, social media, video studio etc.

Therefore we have selected six different migratory butterflies from 6 continents. Most of them fly several thousand kilometers between their winter ans summer habitats, but they are also threatened by clmate change. The monarch butterfy in Notz America for example, flies every autumn all the way from Canada down into the region of Mexico City. From year to year, less and less butterflies arrive, due to droughts, heat and habitat loss.


All these butterflies show their beautiful colours, so we have decided to use their colours for our branding:

We have also come up with the strategy to publish the SolarButterfly asap. First in some Swiss newspapers with the aim to recruting crew members for the European tour. With this new strategy, we are now also ready to finsh our social media sites and adapt our website. Many thanks for the jim&jim-team for hosting this event in Zurich!


The Production of the SolarButterfly has started!


More than 40 team members as well as the representatives of 3A Composites Core Materials have been witnessing the start of the production of the SolarButterfly. in the tiny village of Sins in Central Switzerland, several hundreds of kilograms of PET bottles, that were taken out from the Ocean, have been transformed using a unique technology into PET hard foam sheets, which will be the main material for the construction of the SolarButterfly. Many thanks for the invitation and the insights to the great team of 3AComposites!

precious plastic made out of Ocean waste, looks almost like the original, pure PET material that is normally used