** public holiday **



TUE JUNE 7 – Location: Bildungszentrum Wald | ibW Höhere Fachschule Südostschweiz (Försterschule 2, 7304 Maienfeld)

Wood as sustainable construction material

09:00 h Official welcome

09:15 h Visiting & presenting the SolarButterfly

09:45 h Climate parcours for the schools

10:00 h Guided tour through the Bildungszentrum (parallel to climate parcours)

11:30 h End


TUE JUNE 7 – Location: Alexanderplatz (map)

Get a warm welcome & learn more about a solar folding roof

13:00 h Official welcome through Regierungsrat & Stadträtin; with presence of the press

13:15 h Presenting the SolarButterfly (open for public)

14:00 h Climate parcours for schools (2 groups)

16:00 h End


TUE JUNE 7 – Location: Strohhaus / Galloway-Hof, Laax GR (address, see map)

Discover another role model for sustainable living

18:00 h Welcome at the “Strohhaus” – important advice for drivers: link

18:30 h Presentation of the “Strohhaus”


WED JUNE 8 – Location: SCUOLA MEDIA BELLINZONA 1, via Lavizzari 3

Visiting local school & discovering pioneer ideas

09:00 h Arrival & set up of the SolarButterfly

10:00 h Official Welcome & Press

10:15 h Presentation of the SolarButterfly

10:25 h Climate Parcours for schools

10:45 h Presentation of the SolarButterfly

10:55 h Climate Parcours for schools

11:30 h Disassembling the SolarButterfly

12:00 h End


WED JUNE 8 – Location: SUPSI, Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15, Mendrisio

Celebrating 40 years of photovoltaic and meeting diverse pioneers

13:30 h Set up the SolarButterfly

14:15 h Official Welcome

14:20 h 40 years photovoltaic – visiting the PVLABORS & the roof

15:00 h Interviews with pioneers

17:00 h Aperitif (and disassembling the SolarButterfly)


THU JUNE 9 – Location: Studer Innotec (see map)

Exchange with local schools

09:30 h Climate parcours for local schools/population

10:00 h Press, official welcome & presentation of the SolarButterfly

10:15 h Climate parcours for local schools/population

11:00 h End


THU JUNE 9 – Location: Studer Innotec (see map link)

Discover the production of  the SolarButterfly’s solar converter

11:30 h Official welcome through Loïc Viret & Louis Palmer

12:15 h Disassembling the SolarButterfly

12:45 h End / Drive to Martigny


THU JUNE 9 – Location: Place du Manoir, Martigny

Visiting the local school and informing the next generations

13:30 h Welcome

13:45 h Presentation of the SolarButterfly & climate parcours with children/students

16:30 h End / drive to Château-d’Oex


THU JUNE 9 – Location: Votre Cercle de Vie (map)

Visiting a biodynamic farm that has a sustainable and unique project in Switzerland

18:00 h Welcome

18:15 h Get together & presentation of the farm

21:00 h End


MON JUNE 13 – Location: Sekundarschule Binningen

Exchange with local school

10:00 h Arrival

10:15 h Official welcome

10:30 h Climate parcours for schools

12:00 h End / Transfer to Liestal


MON JUNE 13 – Location: Vor Kreuzung Rosengasse/Rathausstrasse, in Liestal

Showing Larso, the SolarButterfly, to the public

14:00 h Eventstart

14:30 h Visiting the SolarButterfly, Climate Quiz for schools & public

16:30 h Who won the quiz?

17:00 h The SolarButterfly leaves

20:00 h End of the Event